Eco-system of EU supports
Project Name
Eco-system of EU supports
Project Partners
The Galway Culture Company in partnership with the Northern Western Regional Assembly and Galway City and County Councils.
Role of Galway Culture Company
Project Lead
Strategic Aim
This project falls under our first strategic aim;
Facilitate International and EU Relationships and Funding
Project Description
An eco-system of supports in EU funding has been established for arts, culture, digital, creative entrepreneurship and urban innovation, comprising key agencies and organisations who provide support, development, policy and knowledge in EU funding.
The Eco-system of EU Supports allows key agencies and organisations to share learnings, advice, contacts and networks, partnerships, training opportunities and policy updates to further increase the number of applications for EU funding being progressed from Galway.
Currently the eco-system is comprised of 22 members including Galway Chamber of Commerce, University of Galway, Atlantic Technological University, Western Development Commission, Galway City and County Councils, CREW, Galway Technology Centre, PorterShed, Galway Roscommon Education Board, Udaras Na Gaelthacta, University of Galway, TG4 and many others.
The first meeting of the Eco-system of EU Supports took place on the 3rd October, 2022.
22 people from a range of agencies joined the workshop aimed at establishing the eco-system, mapping of work, enhancing collaboration and creating greater awareness amongst agencies as to what funds can be applied for and when.
Projects outcomes-what we expect from this project
The hope is to unlock more funding opportunities for the sector, city, county and region and will act as a way in which new partnerships can be created to better support cultural and creative organisations and individuals working in the sector as well as urban innovation initiatives and sustainability.
How is this project funded
This project is funded by the Northern and Western Regional Assembly with administrative support from Galway Culture Company, which is supported by the Government of Ireland under the National Development Plan through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
The Eco-System commenced its operations in October 2022. This project is ongoing.
Read more about the project here.