Our Board
To achieve our mission statement of bringing together key agencies and stakeholders to drive forward a collective creative vision for Galway through meaningful partnership and collaboration to better support cultural placemaking, artists, and those working in Culture and Creative Industries our board comprises local and regional leaders of organisations with a role and remit in the support of Culture and creative industries in Galway.
Our board will work collaboratively towards a collective creative vision for Galway.
Brendan McGrath
CEO, Galway City Council
Chairperson, Galway Culture Company
Jim Cullen
CEO, Galway County Council
Miriam Allen
CEO, Galway Film Fleadh
Alan Esslemont
Director General, TG4
David Minton
CEO, Northern and Western Regional Assembly
Noeleen Hussey
Regional Development Executive-West Region, Enterprise Ireland
Tomás Ó Síocháin
CEO, Údarás na Gaeltachta
Dr. Patrick Tobin
Head of School of Creative Art & Design, Atlantic Technological University
Dr. Patrick Lonergan MRIA.
Vice-Dean for Engagement and Student Recruitment l and School of English and Creative Arts, NUI Galway.
CEO, Údarás na Gaeltachta
Kenny Deery
CEO, Galway Chamber
Ricky Conneely
Regional Business Development Manager,
IDA Ireland