Symphonic Waves

Project Name

Symphonic Waves

Project Partners

Music Generation Galway County,  Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board (GRETB)

Role of Galway Culture Company


Strategic Aim

This project falls under our second strategic aim;

Support and Develop Place-based Cultural Programming

Project Description

Established in 2017, Symphonic Waves was a regional youth orchestra managed by Music Generation Galway County/Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board (GRETB) and based in the west of Ireland.

Inspired by the bid book process for the European Capital of Culture 2020, the idea for the ensemble grew from a previously identified need to provide high level progression pathways and orchestral performance opportunities for advanced young musicians along the western seaboard. Symphonic Waves was initiated by members of Galway Music Education Partnership (MEP) which included the directors of seven music schools and youth orchestras in Galway city and county in partnership with Galway County Council, Galway City Council, Ealaín na Gaeltachta and GRETB. The thinking behind the development of Symphonic Waves as a regional orchestra included the coming on stream of Music Generation in Galway and Roscommon, the lack of opportunities for young string and orchestral musicians in the wider region, and the availability of brass and wind in other counties.

Following a highly significant start to to programme, which featured notable performances, high calibre master classes and residential programmes, Symphonic Waves (similar to orchestras worldwide) was severely impacted for a prolonged period due to the Covid-19 global pandemic. Indeed, the regulations associated with orchestras were particularly restrictive and all in-person activities including rehearsals and public performances ceased during the period. This forced hiatus stymied the momentum of the orchestra severely and by the time Government directives allowed for orchestras to meet in-person again there continued to be a nervousness about young people meeting in such settings, so it was decided to pause activities.

At the start of 2023 a decision was taken by the custodians of the orchestra (GRETB/Music Generation Galway) to investigate through research how they, together with other stakeholders, might build on the solid foundations of Symphonic Waves, while identifying current and future need where musical provision of this nature is concerned.

Project Outcomes – what we expect from this project

In March 2023 an invitation to quote for a Research Project to Review Existing GRETB Orchestra provision and explore the feasibility of the development of a regional youth orchestra was issued. In April 2023, Karan Thompson Consulting Limited was awarded the contract and this comprehensive consultation process is underway.

The Consultant has been tasked with producing a report based on consultation with key stakeholders which:

Outlines a review and recommendations for a sustainable model of operation for GRETB youth orchestra provision.

Articulate the need (if any) from a stakeholder perspective for a regional Youth Orchestra which is sustainable.

Outline the requirements/resources (financial, human, oversight, engagement) with a proposed model of operation for a Regional Youth Orchestra.

The research will also include consultation with all relevant stakeholders, including, but not limited to the following in the regions outlined, LCYP’s, Local Authorities, ETB’s, Music Generation, existing orchestras, music schools etc.

Following the conclusion of the research, Karan Thompson Consulting Limited will present a detailed report to include research data, qualitative analysis and recommendations in a manner agreed with GRETB.

A Research Advisory Committee is in place to oversee and support the research and the CEO of Galway Culture Company, Marilyn Gaughan-Reddan is a member of this committee.

How this project is funded

Galway Culture Company, which is supported by the Government of Ireland under the National Development Plan through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

