Songs From An Open Road Festival

Project Name

Songs From An Open Road Festival

Project Partners

Songs from An Open Road was initially commissioned by European Capital of Culture and delivered by Róisín Dubh in November 2022. It was curated by Paraic Boran and Pat Neary, and produced by Pearse Doherty.

Role of Galway Culture Company

Commissioner and Funder

Strategic Aim

This project falls under our second strategic aim;
Support and Develop Place-based Cultural Programming.

Project Description

Songs from an Open Road was originally a weekend festival of music, talks and film that explored the sources and examines the influence of what is often referred to as “global music”. Songs From An Open Road also explores how music moves through the centuries, through family, through the oral tradition, and through the oldest traditions. This project will continue to evolve in 2023 and beyond.

Projects outcomes-what we expect from this project

A cultural programme that responds to Galway and its people.

How is this project funded

This project was a European Capital of Culture commission.