Dear PrEUdence: A positive headspace in the EU

Project Name:

Dear PrEUdence: A positive headspace in the EU

Project Partners:

Galway Culture Company, Maria Walsh MEP, ATU Galway School of Design & Creative Arts, European Parliament in Brussels

Role of Galway Culture Company:

Partner and facilitator

The project was curated and produced by ATU and led by Maria Walsh, MEP.

Strategic Aim:

This project falls under our first strategic aim;
Facilitate International and EU Relationships and Funding

Project Description:

Dear PrEUdence was an art exhibition themed around mental health and was held within a public space at the European Parliament Brussels from October 10-13th, 2023. The official exhibition launch took place on Tuesday, October 10th to coincide with World Mental Health Day, a globally recognised day dedicated to raising awareness of mental health and advocating for better mental health care. Graduate artists from the School of Design and Creative Arts, ATU Galway City (Wellpark), were selected from an open call for the exhibition.

The exhibition aimed to foster fresh dialogue and understanding of mental health issues, to explore the transformative power of positive mental health, community and kindness, and the opportunity to open up and experience life to its fullest. By exhibiting the artwork within the public space of the European Parliament, the organisers strategically placed the exhibition in a location where policymakers, lawmakers, and the general public could engage with the artwork and participate in meaningful discussions about mental health. This approach helped foster dialogue, understanding, and awareness of mental health issues.

Projects outcomes – what we expect from this project:

12 artists, all graduates of Atlantic Technological University Galway, were selected to display their work in the ‘Dear PrEUdence: A Positive Headspace in the EU’ exhibition. The selected artists were Conor Burke, Kathleen Donoghue, Eileen Fair, Maura Finnegan, Katie Moore, Theresa Mulholland, Brigid Mulligan, Gerri O’Brien, Karena Ryan, Naoise Sheridan, Sona Smedkova and Tala Zeitawi. The exhibition included digital animations, paintings, installations, textiles, sculptures, prints and a film. The open call and final selection of artists for exhibition was curated by Louise Manifold, Baise Drummond and Seamus McGuinness.

Read the announcement of the selected artists here.

Read more about the selected artists here.

How this project is funded:

The project was funded by Maria Walsh MEP, Atlantic Technological University,  Galway School of Design & Creative Arts, European Parliament in Brussels and the Galway Culture Company which is supported by the Government of Ireland under the National Development Plan through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.


June to October 2023

Key Dates

  • 2nd June Issue Open Call to Graduates
  • 7th June 11am – Online (Teams) information meeting
  • 15th June – Deadline for submission
  • 19th June – Successful applications were notified
  • 28th September – Delivery of work to ATU Galway City (Wellpark) by artists
  • 6th October – Delivery of work to EU Parliament
  • 9th October – Hanging/installation of work
  • 10th October – Official Exhibition Launch
  • 10-13th October – Exhibition open
  • 13th October – Afternoon – Removal of work
  • 18th October – Return of work to ATU Galway City (Wellpark)
  • 20th October – Collection of work by artists

Selection Panel:

  • Blaise Drummond, Louise Manifold, Seamus Mc Guinness
  • School of Design & Creative Arts, Atlantic Technological University