Architecture at the Edge Design Lab Bursaries

Project Name

Architecture at the Edge Design Lab Bursaries

Project Partners

Architecture at the Edge and Galway Culture Company

Role of Galway Culture Company

Funder and Partner

Strategic Aim

This project falls under our second and third strategic aims;

Support and Develop Place-based Cultural Programming
Provide Supports to the Cultural and Creative Sector

Project Description

Three bursary awards of €3,000 each to support creative practitioners with an interest in championing young people and their ideas and help them realise the potential for a better designed built environment.

Since Design Lab began in 2021, it has sought to train and skill up others with the knowledge, experience and confidence to develop their own build projects with young people related to play, architecture and young people’s/children’s use of space. Design Lab invites young people to be part of a creative design process that results in a real design for a space or place to build.

Design Lab aims to bring together disciplines that perhaps do not always intersect: artists, architects, and other makers to enable more young people to be confident about influencing and shaping their built environment.

The bursary will support individuals to work with young people aged between 14 – 22 years old to develop projects which are tangible demonstrations of how our young people can make a positive contribution to shaping better places in Galway City and County, and to demonstrate first-hand how young people can directly shape their world.

Project Outcomes – what we expect from this project

  • New cultural work for the Design Lab program
  • Support for creative practitioners with an interest in championing young people and their ideas to help them realise the potential for a better designed built environment

How this project is funded

This project is funded by Galway Culture Company, which is supported by the Government of Ireland under the National Development Plan through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.


April 2024 through October 2024.

See the open call here.

Image:‘Forth Bridge Construction’, possibly Evelyn George Carey, 1885, Crown copyright. National Records of Scotland, BR/FOR/4/34/161