Visual Artists Café: Webinar – Dignity at Work

Project Name
Visual Artists Café: Webinar – Dignity at Work
Project Partners
Galway County Council Arts Office, Galway City Council Arts Office, Galway Culture Company and Visual Artists Ireland
Role of Galway Culture Company
Strategic Aim
This project falls under our third strategic aim;
Provide Supports to the Cultural and Creative Sector
Project Description
Dignity is an essential part of the visual arts ecology. A workplace that values dignity and respect can lead to greater creativity, diversity, productivity, and overall wellbeing for all employees. The workplace should be a safe and respectful environment where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their position or background.
Safe to Create is a Dignity at Work programme. The aim of the programme is to impact change on the culture and practices of the arts sector in Ireland to provide safer working conditions for artists and arts workers.
Safe to Create Working Group and Implementation Team member Niamh O’Donnell outlined resources and information relevant to visual artists.
Projects outcomes-what we expect from this project
Outline resources and information relevant to visual artists regarding dignity in the workplace.
How is this project funded
Partnership project co-funded by Galway County Council, Galway City Council and Galway Culture Company, which is supported by the Government of Ireland under the National Development Plan through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
This webinar took place on Tuesday 16 May from 11am-12:30pm.