Clinics: The Artist’s Guide to Tax (Galway)

Project Name
Clinics: The Artist’s Guide to Tax for Galway Artists
Project Partners
Galway County Council Arts Office, Galway City Council Arts Office, Galway Culture Company and Visual Artists Ireland
Role of Galway Culture Company
Strategic Aim
This project falls under our third strategic aim;
Provide Supports to the Cultural and Creative Sector
Project Description
Following on from the webinar follows eight 1-2-1 clinic sessions with Gaby Smyth for Galway artists. Please only book for a clinic session if you have attended the 2pm webinar.
Tutor Bio – Gaby Smyth
Gaby Smyth is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and managing director with Gaby Smyth & Company Ltd., Business Consultants. He has provided business and taxation advice to individuals and companies for almost 20 years, specialising in the literary, music, film and theatre arts. Gaby has a keen personal and professional interest in the visual arts, promoting not just the work, but the role, of artists, through his work with organisations such as: Pallas Studios, Temple Bar Gallery and Studios, IVARO and VAI. Gaby was also chair of the board of Irish National Opera.
Projects outcomes-what we expect from this project
To support artists who are new to self-employment with information they need for registering with Revenue.
How is this project funded
Partnership project co-funded by Galway County Council, Galway City Council and Galway Culture Company, which is supported by the Government of Ireland under the National Development Plan through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
These clinics take place on Tuesday, 14 June from 3-5:20pm.
Click here to register for a clinic session. Click here for more information about the webinar that requires attendance before registering for a clinic session.