Call for Expressions of Interest: Jerez 2031 European Capital of Culture Candidature

Jerez de la Frontera will submit a bid to become the European Capital of Culture in 2031. This is a challenge, a journey, and a process that must be undertaken with the active participation of the citizenry and all social and cultural stakeholders.

To this end, the Jerez City Council is launching a Call for Expressions of Interest aimed at identifying ideas or project proposals that seek to achieve a social transformation of the city through cultural strengthening, involving the active participation of the citizenry and all social and cultural stakeholders who wish to take part.

Expressions of interest can be submitted until 23:59 on 30th October 2024 through the electronic form available on the Jerez#2031 website.

Expressions received after this date, or through other means, will not be considered. Languages for submission: Spanish and/or English One Expression of Interest should be submitted for each project idea or proposal.


Apply here