Ricky Conneely
Regional Business Development Manager – IDA Ireland
Company profile
Ireland’s inward Investment Promotion & Development agency, IDA Ireland (Investment Development Agency) is responsible for the attraction and development of foreign investment in Ireland. 1,700 overseas companies have chosen to invest in Ireland as their European base and are involved in a wide range of activities in sectors as diverse as engineering, information communications technologies, pharmaceuticals, medical technologies, financial and international services. IDA Ireland has over 120 client companies in the West region employing over 30,000 people. IDA Ireland encourages companies to locate in regional locations around Ireland and the creative and cultural sectors are key parts of the regions value proposition to create and develop the region as a great place to live.
Personal/Professional Profile
Ricky Conneely is West Region Manager with IDA Ireland covering the counties of Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. Ricky has been employed by IDA Ireland for six years and works to support the growth of the existing base of multinational companies and to attract additional investment. A key part of his role is stakeholder engagement and this involves strong partnership with the Councils, Chamber of Commerce, Universities and wider economic development stakeholders. Ricky previously worked with Galway Local Enterprise office assisting startups and has a keen interest in sustaining and developing the vibrant cultural sector in the West of Ireland.
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