Call for Applications: Résidence Culture 2024

Call for applications for Résidence Culture 2024 – for foreign professionals

In order to support the development of new cultural cooperation between France and other countries, support for the reception of foreign cultural professionals is one of the priorities of the European and international action of the Ministry of Culture. With this in mind, the ministry is launching the 2024 call for applications for the Culture Residency program. This call for applications is intended exclusively for foreign cultural professionals who wish to carry out a professional immersion in France in order to concretize their cultural project.

The Résidence Culture program allows professionals from foreign institutions to be integrated into the administrative and scientific teams of public cultural structures (central administration, regional directorates of cultural affairs, public establishments, and accredited networks), and more broadly within any non-profit cultural structure, to structure collaborations. Résidence Culture is aimed at experienced professionals with responsibilities in foreign cultural institutions (administrators, department heads, cultural project managers, cultural managers in local authorities, and those responsible for the development and management of cultural policies), who wish to develop a concrete professional project and exchange knowledge and know-how with a host institution in France, allowing for a reciprocal exchange of knowledge and know-how.

The stay in France is for a period of one to three months, with a tutor. Foreign professionals receive a monthly grant of €1,500. Before applying, applicants must identify a host institution in France in which they wish to immerse themselves and contact it to establish the feasibility of their application and to develop a collaboration project together.

The deadline for applications is 15 October 2023, 23:59 (Paris time).

Program Overview

What is the Culture Residency Program?

The Culture Residency Program – run by the Ministry of Culture – aims to offer to experienced foreign professionals, having responsibilities in foreign cultural institutions a period of immersion and training in administrative and scientific teams of French cultural operators. French cultural operators are different public or private institutions fulfilling public service missions in the cultural field.

Program Objectives

The overall objectives of the 2024 Culture Residency Program are to:

  • promote the development of concrete cooperation projects,
  • build new cultural networks between French cultural operators and their foreign counterparts,
  • to enable the foreign professional to deepen a particular professional competence in relation to the practices and functioning of the French cultural sector.

Concretely, to achieve these objectives, French cultural operators offer a program of meetings tailored to the foreign professional, closely linked to his cultural project.

Who can apply?

Any foreign cultural professional with managerial, public development responsibilities, etc., in their home institution and wishing to develop a concrete professional project with an operator in France can submit an application.

The professional project may relate to a particular cultural field – heritage, architecture, cultural and creative sectors (cinema, book, audiovisual, fashion, design and crafts, artistic creation, visual and visual arts, performing arts) – or be transversal (scientific culture, cultural and administrative management, development of cultural policies, etc.).

Artists, students, teachers and researchers and agents of the French cultural network abroad (embassy cultural services, French alliances) are not eligible.

Eligibility and selection criteria

Projects are selected by a committee led by the Ministry of Culture on the basis of the following criteria (which are cumulative):

  • the quality of the professional project presented,
  • the commitment of the French cultural operator to accompany the selected candidates and appoint a tutor,
  • the contribution of the professional project presented to a structuring bilateral or multilateral cultural partnership with France.

Financial Support

A scholarship of 1,500 euros per month is paid to candidates selected under the program upon their arrival in France. This scholarship must cover the daily expenses during their professional immersion as well as the costs related to accommodation.

International transport and visa fees are not covered by the programme.


  • 13 June 2023: Call for applications opens
  • 15 October 2023, 23:59 (Paris time): Deadline for submission of applications to the Ministry of Culture via the cultural services of the embassies of France of the candidate’s country of residence. No applications will be considered after this date.
  • November-December 2023: Announcement of result.

How to apply

  1. Download and complete the form (English or French) at the link below
  2. Send your accompanied form to your host cultural operator in France and to the cultural services of the French embassy of your place of activity accompanied by a copy of your passport. Consult the list of French cultural services abroad.

Your file will then be sent by the cultural services of the Embassy of France with an opinion on your application to the Ministry of Culture no later than 15 October 2023 in electronic format.

Apply here